Audi grandsphere concept: See it on our 2022 Concept Lawn
August 21, 2022
The Audi grandsphere concept combines the luxury of private travel in the greatest of comfort with a comprehensive onboard experience.
Level 4 automated driving makes new dimensions of freedom possible: in this mode, the interior turns into a spacious sphere of experience without a steering wheel, pedals, or displays. And the front seats become a first-class lounge with maximum space, freer views, and access to all the functions of the holistic digital ecosystem into which the Audi grandsphere is integrated.

Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere, and Audi urbansphere are the three concept cars that the brand with the four rings is using to showcase its vision of progressive luxury. These concept cars feature a new design that ultimately reimagines the interior, the passenger compartment, as the center of the vehicle; it no longer subordinates the passenger experience to the requirements of the technology. This is reflected in the variable layout of the interior, the disappearance of the controls, and the sheer expanse of the cabin, in addition to linking them to new service offerings.

The Audi grandsphere concept illustrates the brand’s claim that it defines the progressive luxury of the future: for Audi, that includes the option of new high-class experiences, enabled by digitalization, as well as a holistic approach to sustainability with the goal of carbon neutrality in the near future along the entire value chain.
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